Great art can make you feel like you are living an experience. Watching Airport gave us all the sensation we were in that space. A film that takes us to a place we don’t want to go in the most kinetic, sensual way possible. An ominous, topical film that is never heavy-handed.
Jury commendation, 53rd Chicago International Film Festival
The director was inspired by a real situation that took place in the airport, then turned it into cinema language with artful craft. Through precise images, motions and music, the work expresses the unsettling status and uncertainty to survive in the contemporary world.
Jury Statement
Buchstaben einer Abflugtafel verwandeln sich in graue Gestalten mit Rollkoffern, die durch die Hochsicherheitsflughäfen dieser Welt hetzen. Eine rote Wand beendet abrupt die Reise eines Rastlosen. Dessen ausgebreitete Arme zerfließen wie die Flügel von Ikarus. Das Reale wird durchbrochen und metaphorisch offenbaren sich verhängnisvolle Widersprüche unserer globalisierten Welt. Sechs Jahre lang hat Michaela Müller ihre anfänglichen Tonskizzen-Standbilder aufwendig künstlerisch verdichtet.
AIRPORT was awarded with a special mention “for its visual impression, innovative usage of color and animation, and its socially engaged theme” at Balkanima in October 2017. (in german)