April 15, 2018 at 3:30pm
Süesswinkel 7
6004 Luzern, Switzerland
Wars, crises, flight and migration are all issues defining our present-day. Populism and polemics have become the core of political decisions worldwide. We are confronted with fragments of these issues on a daily basis, and this mostly from afar. How do artists tackle these themes? How do they bring us closer to violence, despair or rebellion? What techniques are used in comics, animation or photo reportage to communicate these brutal realities?
Guy Delisle (CA), comic artist, Hamid Sulaiman (SYR), comic artist, Carlos Spottorno (ES), photographer, Patrick Chappatte (CH), comic artist, Michaela Müller (CH), animated filmmaker
Moderator: Lars von Törne (journalist)
Exhibition: SHELTER, DRAWN INTO CRISIS April 15 – 22
Zivilschutzanlage Sonnenberg, Berglistrasse, 6005 Luzern